Personal Living and Finance

The Personal Living and Finance objectives require instruction in those skills necessary to handle personal business and finances and include, but need not be limited to, opening a bank account and judging the quality of a bank’s services; balancing a checkbook; completing a loan application; the implications of an inheritance; the basics of personal insurance policies; consumer rights and responsibilities; dealing with salesmen and merchants; debt management, including retail and credit card debt; state and federal tax computation; local tax assessments; computation of interest rates by various mechanisms; understanding simple contracts; and how to contest an incorrect bill. The course includes the 21 work readiness skills and students take the Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Exam and/or w!se Exam. This course is only available to students with disabilities where credit accommodation is documented in the IEP.


3 standard credits in History and Social Studies



High School Credits


School Level

High School


10, 11, 12