Academic Support Courses


Life Skills

This course will focus on four core areas including Health and Nutrition, Occupational Preparation, Home Maintenance, and Community Exploration. Concepts to be covered include but are not limited to basic personal health and awareness of the world, strengthening employment behaviors, menu planning, food preparation and establishing social relationships. This course may be taken more than one time for credit.

Programming for students who require support in acquiring independent living and functional skills is provided as a part of a comprehensive academic program for students with disabilities. Academic and functional skills are derived from standards aligned with the core curriculum offered to all students.

Specialized instruction is provided to ensure that students received explicit instruction in all areas of need outlined in their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and the Aligned Standards of Learning which supports the Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP). These classes provide students opportunities to practice the skills that are important for success in the community and future work place, such as communication, cooperation, following a schedule, problem solving, self-initiation and independent living. Students with disabilities are provided with opportunities to learn and practice independent living skills that align with the transition plans within students’ IEPs. Instruction is delivered in general education or special education classes. Additional opportunities to use communication and other skills are provided in the community through job sampling and internships.

High School Credits



Student must be participating in the Career Preparation Curriculum.

School Level

High School

Peer Mentoring for Students with Disabilities

Peer mentoring is a course in which general education students are able to become more aware of various disabilities, learn to advocate for people with disabilities and interact with the students in the Small Group Classroom at our school. Peer mentors are responsible for providing assistance to students with disabilities in daily living, social, academic, vocational and community skills. As peer mentors, students are taught how to instruct students with disabilities in various settings and activities, As advocates, peer mentors set an example to others that people with disabilities have the same right to consideration and respect that all people are given.

High School Credits


School Level

High School

Resource for Academic Purposes (RAP)

Students in the Resource for Academic Purposes (RAP) class participate in small group content instruction lessons that pre-teach key vocabulary, concepts, skills and targeted content to front load information prior to engaging with the content during instruction in the general education content classes. Based on progress in core content classes, students also have re-teaching opportunities to address student needs. Additionally, students learn and implement effective learning strategies while developing enhanced executive functioning skills. Placement in the RAP class is made through the IEP process in a collaborative decision making process incorporating school personnel and parents.

High School Credits



The student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

School Level

High School

Social Skills - Autism

This course is specifically designed to meet the needs of learners identified as moderate to high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome to address both organizational and social skill deficits. The course focuses on increasing personal problem-solving and social relatedness skills. Students engage in various activities to increase their understanding and competence in social interactions with peers and authority figures as they approach graduation.

High School Credits



The student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

School Level

High School

Social Skills - Emotional Disability

The cornerstone of the instructional program is the Skillstreaming model. This research-based program is designed to help students develop competence in dealing with interpersonal conflicts, learn to use self-control and contribute to a positive classroom atmosphere.

High School Credits



The student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

School Level

High School

Strategies for Success

This course is designed to support student growth in critical organization and study skills, goal planning, as well as mastery of core-class content. The students will engage in various activities to increase independent time management, task completion and self-advocacy skills to increase their assumption of responsibility for their academics and post-graduate plans.

High School Credits



Must be written in as an IEP service (90 minutes 5x bi-weekly, Study and Organization) 

School Level

High School